When it comes to who I am...

2012年11月6日 星期二

The Secret Power of Names in Egyptian Myth

      It is said that each Egyptian god and goddess has a secret name. The secret name is the name aside from the name that is known by the others. In other words, each god and goddess has a "public" name, a name that is shown to the outside world and  used to communicate with others and also a "secret" name. The secret name is usually known only to the god himself or the goddess herself. This secret name has unlimited power for anyone else. Whoever has learned the secret name of a god or goddess can gain control over the god or goddess. (But note that the secret name must come from the owner's own lips to give the other power over the owner.)  Thus, one can well imagine, the secret name of the great god Ra is the most desirable gift to those ambitious for the throne of Ra.

Stories of Egyptian mythology
     Among the competitors for Ra's secret name, the final champion is the cunning granddaughter of Ra--Isis. According to Egyptian mythology, Isis took a very nasty approach to learn Ra's name. She took the chance when Ra was old and sick. By poisoning her grandfather with cure only known to herself, Isis asked Ra to tell her his secret name in exchange for the single remedy against the poison. Under such great agonies, Ra submitted to Isis's request. In the end, Isis did heal Ra but Ra's secret name business also gave her power over Ra.

     Isis's true aim isn't Ra's throne though. She simply used this secret name as a threat to force Ra to retreat into the heavens and opened the way for her beloved, Osiris, to become the new king of the gods.

3 則留言:

  1. Hello! I am also interested in Egyptian mythology. When I was a senior high student, my history teacher told me a story about the origin of Egyptian gods and goddesses. Legend has it that the great god Ra was the first and only god in the beginning. Later, he created other gods and goddesses according to his imagination.

    However, Egyptian mythology was often influenced by the ruler. The image of the main god had been changed for many times. I even have a hard time figuring it out.

    P.S. Your article is very fluent, so I don’t have to spend time on translating in my mind!

  2. Great! I'm so glad that you're interested in Egyptian mythology, too;) In fact, if you are also interested in modern novels based on Egyptian mythology, you can check out The Red Pyramid(written by the author of the Percy Jackson series) or Christian JACQ's 拉美西斯五部曲(It was originally written in French. I read the Chinese version of the first two books of that series in the library because it's out of print. I haven't found the English version of it so far. I don't have any idea why it's out of print and hard to find the whole series, though)
    Thank you for your comment:)

  3. Egypt is the country I want to pay a visit to the most; therefore, your article is really attractive to me^^!!!
    The mythology also interests me! When I was little, I always asked my mom to tell me a story of ancient Egypt so that I would go to bed obediently!
    Your article make me have more insights about Egyptian mythology! I am looking forward to your next post!!!:)))
