When it comes to who I am...

2013年1月6日 星期日

The Era of Zeus

     This is the picture of Zeus from http://www.google.com.tw/imgres?hl=zh-TW&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=Y7Gp9bC2FnBtgM:&imgrefurl=http://vincentloy.wordpress.com/2011/01/20/seven-wonders-of-ancient-greece/&docid=pgPl7UC9YyFhcM&imgurl=http://vincentloy.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/greek-statues-zeus.jpg&w=550&h=784&ei=bpjpUKeDJYrRlAWYsIG4Cg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=602&vpy=88&dur=4894&hovh=268&hovw=188&tx=97&ty=168&sig=101763024180875216311&page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=100&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:98&biw=1280&bih=636
     In previous posts, I introduced the origin of the world from the Greeks' point of view. And now, after the Titans' reign, it's finally Zeus' show time.
     Well, after the king of Titans, Kronos, marries his sister Rhea, together they give birth to six kids--- Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hestia, Hera and Zeus. Kronos learns from his parents, Gaia and Ouranos, that he is destined to be overcome by his own sons, just as he had overthrown his father. Thus, Kronos comes up with this idea to prevent the prophecy--- to devour his every child. If he had no son that is not under his control, then there would be no one to challenge his throne, right?
     Wrong. By the time Rhea gives birth to the sixth child, Zeus, she finally can't stand her husband's cold-blooded as well as deranged actions anymore. She secretly hides baby Zeus in a cave on Mount Ida, Crete and gives Kronos a rock to eat instead. When Zeus grows up, he tricks his father into drinking a mixture of mustard and wine, which makes Kronos barf up Zeus' brothers and sisters in reverse order. (By the way, although Poseidon was supposed to be the eldest child of Kronos, he was the first that went into his father's stomach and also the last to come out. As a result, he became the youngest of the six children of Kronos, while Zeus became the eldest.) Later, as Kronos had feared, Zeus wages a war against his father. The Gods (the six kids of Kronos), captained by Zeus, defeats their father Kronos, slices him into pieces with his own scythe (For picture of scythe, please click this link), and scatters his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld.
     And now, the era of Zeus has come. The three brothers, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus each gets a domain of his own: Poseidon gets the sea, Hades has the Underworld and Zeus rules over the sky. Not only his brothers though, but every comrade of Zeus also earns a title in the new kingdom of the Gods. By the rule of justice and fairness, Zeus is able to keep the world in peace. (Although judging from mythological stories, Zeus was very partial to certain people or even countries, he still awards the deserved ones fairly.)  As to how Zeus avoids the same destiny of his father and grandfather of being overthrown by his children, that's another story. And I don't intend to introduce the story to you right here for that will take you lots of time to finish reading><
     Last, thanks for reading and commenting on my blog:) Happy Chinese New Year!
This is the picture of Poseidon from http://www.google.com.tw/imgres?imgurl=http://markandrewholmes.com/poseidon_sculpture.jpg&imgrefurl=http://markandrewholmes.com/poseidon.html&h=933&w=927&sz=130&tbnid=tDTi1dHr7mxoZM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=89&zoom=1&usg=__PHo12GN4hnU1l4st4NwejLFwSH4=&docid=X_K1TsuR3d398M&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ei=hJXpUJ3IIpHNlAXxhoCgDg&ved=0CGIQ9QEwAw&dur=1278

This one is the picture of Hades from http://www.google.com.tw/imgres?hl=zh-TW&sa=X&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=918Pd76fuPP_RM:&imgrefurl=http://cauldronnetwork.com/godspages.html&docid=IwY0Cj0kNpAduM&imgurl=http://cauldronnetwork.com/graphics/gods/hades.jpg&w=309&h=500&ei=v5fpUIy-MoGMkwWFkoDwBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=405&vpy=236&dur=3327&hovh=286&hovw=176&tx=99&ty=154&sig=101763024180875216311&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=89&start=0&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:0,i:125&biw=1280&bih=636

